

This version was saved 15 years, 2 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by msward
on September 21, 2009 at 6:20:48 pm



Welcome Haverford High School Students and Staff!


The purpose of this wiki page is twofold.  Primarily, it is designed to help STUDENTS stay informed of our class projects and assignments, find out more about the texts we will study in class, explore cool links, get help with your homework, and contribute to the class by adding to these wiki pages. This is a collaborative site, which means students will be expected to add to the content on these pages.


But this is also a space for students, teachers, and visitors to find information and links on using various Web 2.0 applications. Need to know how to use Twitter, set-up a Ning, or ways educators are social networking sites? Check out the links on the TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHERS page.


Use the menu options and page links to the right to navigate these pages. The SIDEBAR menu will always show up on the right side of each page.  To get back to this main page, click on FRONTPAGE, found at the top of the menu to the right of each page. For directions on how to login to this site, CLICK HERE.

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Best wishes for a successful semester!    --Ms. Ward


Attend a cultural event listed on the calendar below and submit a one-page reflection on the event along with your ticket or program in order to receive five extra credit points. You can attend up to three events for extra credit per quarter.



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