
Kite Runner

Page history last edited by msward 12 years, 2 months ago



Introducing The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini:


Background on the Novel:


Learn about Afghanistan:



The Women of Kabul:

  • A very interesting project sponsored by the Washington Post on the roles and history of women in Afghanistan.  This site is loaded with images, video documentary, and a great interviews.
  • You've probably seen this picture before. It is one of National Geographic's most famous images. But who is this Afghani girl? Where is she now? What does she look like today? See for yourself!


Video Background:

  • Enjoy this playlist of videos featuring interviews of the author, presentations on the history of Afghanistan, and more about the Kite Runner.


Research Activity for Students (Block 4):

Before we really begin our reading of The Kite Runner, we'll need to explore some of the background of the novel.  This will help us better understand the context in which the actions of the story take place, giving us a richer understanding of the events of the novel.  To do this, we'll be breaking into pairs to do research on some of the historical events presented in the story.  Not only will partners research these topics, but you'll also be putting together a presentation/resource on your research topic which can be shared online.  In this way, our class will always have your research to look back on in case we have a question about its importance to the story. So, let's begin!


Pashtuns and Pashtunwali

You will need to answer the following questions in your presentation:

  • Who are the Pashtuns?
  • What is Pashtunwali? 
  • On what cultural values does the Pashtunwali code place most importance?
  • What does it mean to be an outsider in Afghan society? Why are people excluded? What does this exclusion look like? 

Here is where you will find the answers to these questions:




You will need to answer the following questions in your presentation:

  • Who are the Hazaras?
  • What do they believe?
  • How are they treated by the majority Pashtun culture of Afghanistan?
  • Why are they treated this way? 

Here is where you will find the answers to these questions:




The Taliban

You will need to answer the following questions in your presentation:

  • Who are the Taliban?
  • What do they believe?
  • When did they come to power?
  • What sort of policies did they institute while they were in power? 

Here is where you will find the answers to these questions:



Kite Fighting

You will need to answer the following questions in your presentation:

  • What is kite fighting?
  • Who participates in kite fighting?
  • How is this tradition important to the Afghani culture? 

Here is where you will find the answers to these questions:



Religion and Faith

You will need to answer the following questions in your presentation:

  • What are the differences between Sunni vs. Shiite Islam?
  • How is Islam integral to Afghan culture?
  • What are the basic tenets of Islam?
  • Why do you think these religions, if they are so similar, seem to have difficulty getting along?


Here is where you will find the answers to these questions:



Sharia Law and Taboos

You will need to answer the following questions in your presentation:

  • What is Sharia law?
  • What are some of the important beliefs of Sharia law?
  • What are some of the taboos or prohibitions under Sharia law? 

Here is where you will find the answers to these questions:





The Importance of Family

You will need to answer the following questions in your presentation:

  • How is are Afghani families structured?
  • What is most important to families?
  • What role do women play?
  • What role do men play in the family? 

Here is where you will find the answers to these questions:




This assignment will be worth 30 points. You will be graded on:

  • Content (10 pts): Includes the accuracy of your information and your thoroughness in addressing all of the guiding questions.
  • Presentation (10 pts): Includes all group members participating and having speaking time during the presentation. Presentation is prepared with text and visuals, any quoted information is accurately cited. The presentation materials have been thoroughly proof-read and spell checked.
  • Class Participation (5 pts): You are on task and focused during the class time, reading the articles and collaborating with your group members. 
  • Preparation (5 pts): Someone from your group emails me (wardhhs@gmail.com) your well designed presentation materials by the end of class Friday


Literary Criticism and The Kite Runner:

Linked below are student developed resources to help readers better understand the depth and complexities of Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner. These pages were put together in conjunction with our study of literary criticism.


As We Read:

Resources prepared by students

  • What do we know about the main characters? Click HERE to learn more about the main characters.
  • And here are some student produced resources for understanding the characters, motifs, and significant events in the story. 


Learning More from Other Students:

  • Ms. Ward is not an expert in the history and culture of Afghanistan, so why not learn from someone who is? CLICK HERE to learn from other students also reading The Kite Runner and/or currently living in Afghanistan.


Extra Credit Opportunities:

  • Complete an independent project on the Middle East to earn up to 10 points of extra credit.  Get the details HERE.


Resources for Teachers:

  • Teachers will find a bookmarked list of lesson plans and curriculum materials for teaching this novel HERE.




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