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Literary Criticism WebQuest



So what is literary criticism anyway? Literary criticism describes the study, discussion, evaluation, and interpretation of literature. Literary criticism is made up of a number of different types of critical approaches.  Critical approaches are very much like the lenses through which we view and understand a piece of literature. Critical literary theories can bring certain qualities of a work of literature into focus or call attention to particular issues.

Wait! What is a WebQuest anyway?

A WebQuest is an online based research project for learning. It is a lesson in which most or all of the information you will need to complete this assignment can be found online.  You will be asked to explore and evaluate sources on the web related to our study of literary criticism. In particular, this WebQuest was designed to help you become more familiar with the different types of literary criticiam and interpretation theories. In addition, you will learn the basic terminiology associated with literary criticism as well as have the opportunity to practice applying various theories to our study of Middle Eastern Poetry.


But Why Do I Need To Know About Different Theories?

There is a great definition of literary criticism found on the Literatureclassics.com website which reads, Literary criticism is an extension of this social activity of interpreting." As we read a text, we are constantly engaging in the practice of interpretation as we attempt to understand a particular work's significance and meaning. The critics purpose may be to make value judgments on a work, to explain his or her interpretation of the work, or to provide other readers with relevant historical or biographical information. As readers we use critcism as a way to communicate with other readers our ideas regarding a particular text. Literary criticism helps readers understand the intricacies of a text a communicate with other readers about those intricacies.


But Why is Criticism Important for Students?

We will soon start our reading of Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner, you may find it useful to look at the reviews other critics give the text in order to inform your own interpretations of the text. It is important to understand how a particular form of literary criticism may help you understand a text more clearly. However, criticism from other sources should never be a substitute for your original ideas regarding a text. Instead, reading other critics may help you to clarify your own understanding and ideas.


So, Let's Get Started!

Use the menu at the bottom of this page to navigate your way through this web-based assignment. You've just read the introduction, so click on "Basic Assignment Tasks" to find out what you will be doing for this assignment. 





WebQuest designed by:

Ms. Jennifer Ward

Haverford High School

Havertown, Pennsylvania

Originally Created: May 2004

Updated: November 2014

Original site: www.msward.org/webquest.html

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