YouTube Video of the Week

In Your Own Words!

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Do You Know TED?  You should

TED stands for Technolog, Entertainment, and Design. You need to check them out! In this video,Ory Okolloh tells the story of her life and her family -- and how she came to do her heroic work reporting on the doings of Kenya's parliament.


Happy Halloween!

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Video for September 28-Oct. 2:

CLICK HERE for Part 1 of 21 Up South Africa: Mandela's Children.  This documentary follows the lives of 14 children growning up in South Africa. First filmed in 1992 at the age of seven, filmed again at the age of 14, and now filmed at age 21, young people from varied backgrounds - rich and poor, black and white and racially mixed - share their youthful dreams, and then show what time and circumstance have made of their lives. Like Part 1? HERE'S THE LINK to Part 2!


Previous Videos:

MLA Style Essay Formatting Tutorial for MS Word

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